Join us for Morning Prayer on YouTube

Morning Prayer with Mother Audrey

The Episcopal Church enjoys a centuries old tradition of using the Book of Common Prayer in its worship service.

The Book of Common Prayer originated In 1549. Thomas Cranmer (Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr 16th c.) brilliantly compiled Latin devotional texts and liturgical practices from various ancient sources. He organized and translated them into English, providing the people of England a common worship service in their own language.

The BCP, as it’s affectionately known, is a treasured resource that guides us through liturgical worship, devotions, and prayers in our congregations and as individuals.

When we take part in the liturgy, we join worshipers worldwide in reading and praying from the same text. At St. Barnabas Church, we read from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.

For individuals, readings each day are called the Daily Office (from the Latin Officium Divinum meaning “Divine Office”). They include Morning Prayer, Noonday, Evening Prayer and Compline.

Join us for Morning Prayer on YouTube, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a.m. led by Mother Audrey and Deborah. Bring your cup of coffee or tea!

You can read the BCP online here or download a .pdf copy on the Episcopal Church’s website link here.

Let us bless the Lord as we worship together in the beauty of holiness.