We feed the hungry in body, mind and spirit.


We connect with you through our Missions and convey God’s love via education, counseling, service, and outreach.


At St. Barnabas, we have caring ministries to make you feel welcome and connected.

Children Ministry

Get Involved

Come and see! 
At St. Barnabas, we have many opportunities to grow our faith and share the love of God through serving in outreach, missions and ministry. 

Worship through Music

Traditional hymns and contemporary music are integral to our worship at St. Barnabas.

Children’s Choir

Children in this choir learn beginning theory, correct singing techniques, bells, and how to lead in worship through music. The group sings and plays throughout the year at services and occasional celebrations. Contact our Children’s Choir Director, Beverlee Hays.

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir provides music for the 11 a.m. service, and also sings for special services, such as Lessons and Carols. If you are interested in singing with us, contact Tom Dewitt, Organist, Choirmaster.

Handbell Choir

Several times during the year, beautiful, harmonious sounds of the handbell choir enhance the 7:30 and 11 a.m. services.  Interested in being a ringer?  It’s not necessary to know how to read music but to want to learn to ring.  It’s fun! Let us know if you have an event for us to perform.  Contact, Handbell Choir Director, Becky DeWitt.


St. Barnabas carillon bells ring every Sunday, each school day as the students arrive, and every day at noon and 5 p.m. If you would like the bells to ring for a funeral or wedding, contact Becky DeWitt.

Contemporary Worship Team

St. Barnabas School’s Contemporary and Middle School Worship teams bring an enthusiasm to St. Barnabas Wednesday morning chapel. If you have or know a student at St. Barnabas Episcopal School who is interested in our Worship Team, please contact our Contemporary Music Director, Rachel Nunez.

Worship through Service

Altar Guild

The St Barnabas Altar Guild prepares and maintains the Altar for all services, including weddings, baptisms, funerals, and it arranges altar flowers as needed for services. If you would like to help with our duties, contact Jeanne Rasi, or Make a gift of altar flowers.

Lay Worship Assistants

Lay Worship Assistants read the Holy Scriptures and Prayers of the People at all services of Holy Eucharist. Some are licensed as Lay Eucharistic Minister by the bishop to serve the chalice at communion. They may also serve as adult acolytes. Contact Deacon Nancy.

LEV – Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Licensed Lay Eucharistic Visitors bring communion on Sundays to parishioners who are sick or home-bound. Contact Deacon Cathy Stater.


St Barnabas Ushers help distribute service bulletins, usher, collect the offerings, assist during Communion, and appoint folks to bring the elements up to the altar. Contact Sims Kline.

Sanctuary Candle

The Sanctuary Candle is on the wall to the left of the altar and indicates that there are reserved sacraments in the tabernacle. The Sanctuary Candle is given weekly in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament and in memory of loved ones, or given in thanksgiving for an anniversary or as a special gift. Make a memorial gift offering.

Youth Acolytes

Youth Acolytes assist worship by carrying crosses, torches, the Gospel book, banners, assist the clergy in the table’s preparation. In addition they provide incense at special services. Students from 4th through 12th grade are encouraged to join. Contact Will Miles.

Community Outreach Support Groups

Community Dinner

On Wednesday nights we serve free meals at The Bridge, located at the Neighborhood Center. If you are interested in donating or helping to serve, contact William Brown.


Kairos is an international organization that ministers to the spiritual needs of men and women incarcerated in prisons around the world. St. Barnabas is home for many volunteers for the various ministries of Kairos. To witness tremendous spiritual growth, contact Morgan Gilreath.

Samaritan’s Purse

Through Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child, St. Barnabas Church and School donate gift boxes to children in need. These shoeboxes filled with gifts for specific age groups are brought to the Altar during an ingathering at the end of November for International distribution.

Alzheimer’s Support Group

The St. Barnabas Alzheimer’s Carergiver Support Group ministers to the caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in Canterbury and on Zoom. For more information, contact Lorna Lind.

Bereavement Committee

When a member of St. Barnabas or someone in their family passes away, the Bereavement Committee hosts a reception, which is offered by the priest or deacon. Committee members prepare and serve refreshments for the family and their guests. Contact Pat Strub.

Prayer Ministries

Come for prayers of healing, thanksgiving,
or intercession after your communion.

Order of St. Luke Healing ministry teams are available at the side altar during communion at all three Sunday morning services.

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King is an international Christian order of women and girls who desire a closer walk with the Lord.

For more information or to submit a prayer request. Contact Judy Ochse.

Journey Discipleship

The Journey Discipleship is a transformative experience. By connecting with a small group of 4-6 people, we are building strong Christian fellowships like Jesus did. Prioritizing relationships, we delve into deep issues of the heart, guided by the Holy Spirit and supported by others. Experience true transformation.

Prayer Chain

Prayer names are listed in the Sunday service bulletin, and spoken during the Prayers of the People. These names are also passed to members of Daughters of the King and Order of St. Luke healing ministry teams. To have a name added, call or send an email to the Church Office.

Prayer Shawl

The Prayer Shawl Ministry members prayerfully knit or crochet shawls that are given to those who are sick or confined, and those recovering from illness or surgery. Prayer shawls are also become a gift for those being confirmed. Contact Pat Strub.

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